Our vision
We are international leaders in population health science research. Bristol Population Health Sciences Institute (Bristol-PHSI) is a cross-Faculty institute which is a centre of excellence in multidisciplinary population health science research. Our research spans discovery science based on large-scale ‘omics, through translational research and pilot and feasibility trials and ‘one health’, to large Phase III randomized trials, evidence synthesis, evaluation, public health law, and social, behavioural and implementation science. Our multi-disciplinary community spans several Schools and Faculties within the University and tackles a wide range of questions about population health and health care. The vision for the Bristol-PHSI is to nurture interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research capacity; expand research that harnesses new data science and digital health technologies; transform models of models of discovery and implementation science; and develop non-academic partnerships that accelerate impact.
Our research community
Bristol-PHSI includes membership from multiple Faculties and Schools, with the overwhelming majority being members of Population Health Sciences (PHS) in Bristol Medical School.
Research within the institute has a strong national profile with academic leadership in areas such as Primary Care, Public Health, Mental Health, Epidemiology, Health Services Research, Evidence Synthesis, Behavioural Science, and Surgical Research.
Our research themes
Within Bristol-PHSI we have identified 4 thematic areas with 12 areas of key strength with multiple research groups and programmes contributing to these themes:
- Translational Epidemiology
- Integrative Epidemiology
- Data Science and Digital Health
- Primary Care and Community Medicine
- Child Health
- Mental Health
- Primary Care
- Public Health
- Public Health and Public Health Law
- Health Protection, One Health and Infectious Disease Epidemiology
- Applied Health Research
- Trials
- Evidence Synthesis, Decision Analysis and Health Economics
- Behavioural and Social Science and Bioethical Research
- Surgical Research